Friday, October 9, 2009

by Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. If you choose to do acupuncture

by Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. If you choose to do acupuncture and herbal medicine for fertility or a more aggressive procedure with IVF or IUI, there are viable options to increase their fertility! Some patients choose to come to me and try to be naturally fertile. In this case, I can work with you one by one, as we determine your particular situation. We will have a consultation and then choose the best course of action. It may be with acupuncture or maybe with acupuncture and herbal medicine. If you choose the IVF / IUI route, I am there to support you and your doctor's decisions. I play an important role, but his supporting role in this treatment, but I'm there for you, nonetheless. Infertility is often defined when a couple has 1 year of regular intercourse without contraception and has not been able to conceive. Primary infertility is seen when a couple has been unable to conceive, where as secondary infertility is difficulty conceiving after already having conceived and carried a normal pregnancy. Technically, secondary infertility is not present if there is a change of partners. Infertility can be a problem for both men and women. In women with an abnormal menstrual period is a good place to start. A cycle of 28 to 30 regular days with good quality fertile mucus right before ovulation, relatively no premenstrual symptoms and pain without bleeding efficient period indicate a balanced hormonal cycle. Physical examination and routine laboratory tests for women include: 1. Genetic testing: this is done to determine if a genetic defect that causes infertility. 2. The hormone tests: this can be done to check hormone levels to ovulation, the hormones of thyroid and pituitary. 3. Hysterosalpingography: This test evaluates the condition of the patient's uterus and fallopian tubes, indicating whether there are any blockages in these areas. 4. Laparoscopy: This procedure involves inserting a thin viewing device into the patient's abdomen and pelvis to examine the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus. It is performed under general anesthesia, the most common problems identified by laparoscopy are endometriosis and scarring. 5. Ovulation test: This test is used to measure hormone levels to determine if the patient is ovulating or not. 6. Ovarian Reserve Test: This test begins with hormone testing early in a woman's menstrual cycle. Tests may be performed to determine the potential effectiveness of the eggs after ovulation. 7. Pelvic ultrasound: is performed for defects of the fallopian tube or uterus. If there is no physical illness, a regime of proper diet, detoxification, exercise and plenty of rest and water is a good start. Try to manage stress and balance situations around you. In humans, symptoms of infertility may have some symptoms of hormonal problems such as changes in hair growth or sexual function. The quality, quantity, morphology and motility of sperm of a man is well looked. 1. Physical examination and routine laboratory tests for men include: 2. The hormone tests: a blood test is done to determine the level of testosterone and other hormones. 3. Physical examination: includes the genitals and questions about medical history, illnesses and disabilities, medications and sexual habits. 4. Semen analysis: is the most important test for men. Your doctor will ask for one or more semen samples. The laboratory determines the number of sperm present and any abnormalities in the morphology and sperm motility. Sperm counts can vary from sample to sample. 5. Ultrasound: a transrectal and scrotal ultrasound can help the doctor to look for evidence of conditions such as retrograde ejaculation and ejaculatory duct obstruction. Fertile GardenThe magic of conception is really an amazing process and requires adequate time and the essence of beautiful, meeting at a time more! Each month the pituitary gland in a woman's brain sends a signal to the ovaries to prepare an egg for ovulation. The pituitary hormones follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulate the ovaries to release an egg. This is called ovulation. During this time a woman is fertile (usually about 14 days of their menstrual cycle). The egg travels through the fallopian tube and can be fertilized about 2472 hours after it is released. Conception is most likely to occur when intercourse takes place 1 to 2 days before ovulation or 1 to 2 days later. For pregnancy to occur, a sperm must meet an egg in the fallopian tube during this time. Sperm are capable of fertilizing the egg up to 72 hours and must be present in the fallopian tubes at the time the egg for conception to occur. For a sperm to reach an egg, the man must have an erection and ejaculate enough semen to release sperm into the vagina. There must be enough sperm, and must be the right way and move in the right direction. In addition, women should have a healthy vagina and the uterine environment for sperm to travel to eggs. If fertilized, the egg moves toward the uterus, where it attaches to the uterine lining and begins a process of nine months of growth. Achieving Balance cycle regular 28 to 30 days with good quality fertile mucus right before ovulation, relatively no premenstrual symptoms and pain without bleeding efficient period indicate a balanced hormonal cycle. Fertile mucus appears several days before ovulation and is required to help nourish the sperm and guide it to the egg. A day ovulation occurs 12 to 15 of a cycle indicates that the egg is released at its optional developmental time. Ideally, a woman should experience menstrual bleeding for at least 3 to 5 days and this blood flow should be red in color without any clotting or flooding. Issues that effect fertility include: 1. Hormonal imbalances 2. Ovarian disorders such as tumors, cysts and stress 3. Age: early 30's has a probability of 22% to conceive, early 40's an 8% chance and early 50 # 39; s a 1% chance. 4. Locking: as in the fallopian tubes (egg and sperm can not meet), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and (STDs HPV and chlamydia) 5. Uterine disorders: such as fibroids and endometriosis When you have a fertility problem is a good idea to look at your lifestyle. These problems can complicate infertility: 1. Finding the balance: In a modern society tends to quot; burn the candle at both extremosquot;. There must be a proper balance in the amount of work we do, in the amount of sleep we enjoyed the food and the amount of quot; tiempoquot; we. 2. Overwork: can drain the essence of our energy. Today, if you're not working for a company that is putting heavy demands on their time, health and relationships, then you have your own business, which often has no limits when it comes to building and maintaining sleep. 3. Poor Diet: can be a nutrition zapper that robs the body of proper vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are important enough for energy products. Misuse of caffeine, alcohol and saturated fats have been shown to reduce fertility and increase the likelihood of miscarriage. A balance of fresh vegetables, complex carbohydrates, whole, as well as fruits, nuts, seeds and protein are very important to maintain adequate energy levels. 4. Lack of exercise reduces blood circulation. Regular exercise builds endurance that can help anyone battle stress. But even something as casual as a walk around the block can help you burn some of the tension you carry around. Stretching is a great stress reducer. 5. Poor sleep habits: it can drain a good day full of vital energy. Overthinking, anxiety and a sense of competition are all issues that cause difficulty sleeping and / or difficulty staying asleep. Lack of sleep has been recognized as influencing fertility. This leads to physiological disorders and inhibition of growth hormones. 6. Stress: a hidden problem that is rarely addressed. Stress has been linked to irregularities in ovulation and abnormal sperm development. When you can lower your levels of physiological stress, which have increased the chances of conception. 7. Weight: Being too thin or too heavy can have an impact on how quickly you conceive. Excessive thinness is known to interfere with menstrual periods. However, it is believed that if both partners are overweight or obese, conception will take longer. 8. Smoking: Smokers have a higher rate of repeated miscarriage. Female smokers have been shown to have lower estrogen levels, which may delay conception. Smoking is also thought to influence tubal factor infertility, and can cause premature menopause. In men, smoking can damage sperm. When men stop smoking, their sperm count increases quickly. Tips For Improving Fertility1. Balance your day: the limits with work, family, friends, exercise. To much of anything is not a good thing. Although we are constantly reminded that moderation is the key, rarely recognized in ourselves. Plan your day on paper. Divide your time evenly and stick to it. 2. Improve the way you work: work smart. Do not allow quot; apagarquot fires, every day become uncontrollable. Allow a certain amount of time to these issues, and new projects, clients or meetings. 3. Exercise: If you are saying, How can I exercise when I have much to do, this is one more reason why it is necessary to make your metabolism. Exercise is what your body instinctively wants to put special emphasis on: the fight or flight, and it works. It burns some of the stress chemicals which tension produces. Therefore, a tired muscle is a relaxed muscle. Regular exercise builds endurance that can help anyone battle stress. But even something as casual as a walk around the block can help you burn some of the tension you carry around and increase blood circulation. 4. Take a look at food: Carbohydrates provide glucose for energy. Excess carbohydrates can raise levels of blood sugar to dangerous levels, which then makes your body shut down to protect itself. Protein is important because it allows the brain to the synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, which help keep your mind attentive and alert. Excessive protein levels that the organs of digestion work much harder to process food and steal their energy reserves. Finding the balance for YOU. Listen to your body! That will tell you what makes you feel good and what not. Especially in the long run. If you have problems with excess heat, look at eating foods that have a cooling nature. If you have excess cold, look to eat foods that have a warm character. Neutral foods help to regulate our system. 5. Prepare for sleeping: Overthinking is a culprit to be robbed energizing sleep and large properties. Turn off your mind, starting with early finish. Give yourself time quot; tranquiloquot;. Using the power of peaceful music, a good book, the diffusion of essential oils, warm milk or tea before bed. 6. Manage Your best energy Times: Enjoy your natural energy highs. Do your work harder, thinking, planning, exercise when you have the most energy. Consider the time of day when you feel your best and when you feel your worst. Extend your energy where it is most needed, pull back to where you feel you can. 7. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids, especially in hot, dry, windy days. If you are doing vigorous exercise, drink fluids before the activity. You should also drink at regular intervals (every 20 minutes or less) during activity and after the activity ends. 8. Boost Your Hormones: reduce sedentary behaviors like watching television and using computers. Being in a place for a long time, decreases metabolism and energy production. Proper nutrition is essential for hormonal balance. Essential fatty acids and nutrients such as vitamin A, B6, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants are key to hormonal balance and therefore fertility. 9. Learning to do nothing: Our desire to drive ourselves to greater accomplishments, creates other problems such as depletion. Create or allow a couple of hours a week to just relax and do nothing. If you can not find a couple of hours, it's time to rethink your priorities and commitments. 10. View your lifestyle: If the disease is not the cause of their fertility is a matter of lifestyle. Are creating unnecessary stress for you � There are ongoing problems in your life that may be causing prolonged anxiety or depression Consider counseling or talking about their problems with family, career or his personal physician. Find the issues that are far from a full life, rich! 11. Use the power of positive thinking: Trying to get pregnant can often put a great strain on your relationship with your partner. Those couples sometimes feel too tired and stressed to have sex or feels the mechanic because the pressure of trying to conceive. Keep a positive attitude is essential to get pregnant, because it improves your overall mental health, studies have found that positive thinking decreases levels of stress and risk of depression, which in turn resulted in higher chances of becoming pregnant. Many women feel quot; desesperadosquot;, quot; da�osquot and quot; inadecuadoquot;. These mental processes which reduce their chances of getting pregnant. It is important to address the emotional component. 12. Improve your odds: The odds of getting pregnant each month greatly depend on your menstrual cycle and, moreover, in ovulation. So intercourse time is a great way to improve your chances of fertility. In my practice, women begin to have a basal body temperature (BBT) chart. This mapping is a great way of seeing and understanding your menstrual cycle, ovulation and period. Start working on your BBT chart now and learn better ways to predict time of ovulation. Charter BBT, BBT basal body temperature chart is a form commonly used to determine the time of ovulation. The basal body temperature refers to the temperature of your body at rest. You will need a special thermometer or ovulation thermometer and graph papers or a special table. To determine the BBT, record your temperature everyday upon awakening before getting out of bed. Immediately after ovulation, there will be a slight (no more than 0.4 to 1.0 degrees Fahrenheit), but in its final place in body temperature. Temperatures remain high until the next menstrual period. Before ovulation, basal body temperature of women in general, range from 97.0 to 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures are deleted at this time due to the presence of estrogen. After ovulation, due to the heat production induced hormone progesterone, temperatures rise to around 97.6 to 98.6 F. This temperature increase indicates that ovulation has occurred. Your most fertile day is the one immediately before the rise of temperature. This method can be best used in conjunction with other fertility signs such as pain or pain on one side of the lower abdomen, to be exact. When a woman is pregnant, her temperature remains elevated during pregnancy. This test can also be used to tell if a woman is ovulating or not. If ovulation does not occur the normal temperature always remains static. Predicting Ovulation1. Counting the days: A cycle is counted from the first day of a period the first day of the next period. Remember, the hormone levels are at point zero or neutral for the first three days. To track the average length of your menstrual cycle is one of the easiest ways to predict ovulation. In a 28day cycle, for example, ovulation usually takes place between 12 and 15 days. This is when a woman is more fertile and more likely to become pregnant. Therefore, the best time for intercourse is between days 10 and 17 of their menstrual cycle. This first phase (phase 1) should not be less than 10 days nor more than 17 days. If too short, the lining of the uterus does not have enough time to thicken and the egg does not have time to mature. If it is too long, this means a production of estrogen in women is low. 2. Rate of Cervical Mucus: As you approach ovulation, cervical mucus changes in both volume and texture. You're most fertile when the discharge in the cervical mucus is clear and stretchy, like egg white texture. For the design, having sex during each cycle of the days when the cervical mucus (vaginal discharge) feels elastic, wet and slippery. 3. Cervical Changes: When there are tougher estrogen levels, as they are around ovulation, the cervix will become more flexible, soft and change positions upward away from the vagina. The cervical opening will also be expanded. To check the position of the neck, hand on her vagina with his finger. The tip of the finger touch the tip of the cervix. Note the subtle changes that go before and after ovulation. 4. Lower abdominal discomfort: Some women may experience minor aches and pain in the lower abdomen. Called Mittelschmerz (a German word quot; medioquot pain;), abdominal pain can last from several minutes to a few hours and is a sign that ovulation is occurring. 5. Council temperature rise: The temperature change is caused by the release of the egg and the production of hormones that accompany it. While this temperature is too small to be felt, can be measured with a body temperature thermometer. 6. Ovulation predictor kit: A kit of prediction of ovulation is an option in the prediction of ovulation. A positive result means that your hormone levels are high, indicating that ovulation will occur within 12 to 48 hours. MedicineTraditional Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the oldest, continually practiced, and professionally administered health care system in the world. It is a documented medical system spanning over 2,500 years, based on the general philosophy, rational theories, clinically tested and empirically verified by over 100 generations of highly skilled professionals. Chinese medicine is a comprehensive system of internal medicine which consists of a diagnostic procedure based on signs, symptoms and treatment styles including acupuncture, herbal medicine, exercise, diet and meditation. Its foundation is based on the principles of balance, the interdependence of Yin and Yang. Through this balance, health is achieved and maintained. Traditional Chinese medicine is often useful in conventional medicine is not. Some disorders can complicate fertility. The aim of Chinese medicine is better manage or resolve these disorders such as endometriosis, PCOS, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), immunerelated infertility and menstrual problems with acupuncture and herbal medicine. La acupuntura y la medicina a base de hierbas puede ayudar con los problemas de la menstruaci�n irregular, el exceso de c�lulas NK AMD trabaja con la terapia de gonadotropina para producir fol�culos en mujeres sometidas a fertilizaci�n in vitro. Low sperm count and sperm motility are fertility issues that men face and the combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine has been shown to benefit men with these issues. Candidates for infertility acupuncture are women or men who have a functional, rather than a structural reason. The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, finds help from some 6580 percent of these cases. While acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can not guarantee 100% success, you can aspire to improve their chances of achieving pregnancy, either with traditional Chinese medicine alone or in combination with acupuncture and IVF. Acupuncture and herbs can help: 1. The regulation of hormones to produce a greater number of follicles. 2. Improve the function of the ovaries to produce eggs of higher quality. 3. Relax the patient and decrease stress. 4. Increase blood flow to the uterus. 5. Increasing the thickness of the lining of the uterus. 6. Strengthen the immune system. 7. Reduce side effects of drugs used in IVF. 8. Prevent the uterus to contract. 9. Improve semen to create better quality and quantity of embryos. 10. Decrease the chances of miscarriage of acupuncture and herbal medicine can be an effective complement to your treatment. Acupuncture redirects your vital energy in a more balanced flow. Provides support to the underlying importance of better digestion and improved circulation. Acupuncture releases tension in muscles. This allows an increased flow of blood, lymph, and nerve impulses to affected areas, reducing the stress experienced by you. TCM classifies infertility differentials model: According to the philosophy of TCM, the kidneys regulate the reproductive system. If you are having trouble conceiving, there is often a deficiency in the kidneys or the quot; energy of ri�onesquot;. Symptoms of kidney failure include back pain, weak legs, dry mucous membranes, night sweats, cold feet, irregular menses, low libido, increased urinary frequency, nocturnal urination, to name a few. (During menopause a woman's kidneys Essence, decreases, and many of the same symptoms.) A practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine suggests taking herbal supplements to increase the power of the kidneys quot; and nourish the body. Your doctor should also recommend a diet that includes foods that nourish the kidneys, such as walnuts, black sesame seeds, barley, tofu, black soybean, wheat germ, seaweeds, various beans, meat, and wheat germ. 1. Liver Qi stagnation and / or liver, spleen, stomach disharmony: the physical and mental fatigue, headaches, depression, sighing, chest tightness and hypochondriac distension, alternating loose stools and constipation, irritable bowel syndrome bitter taste in the mouth. The tongue is black with thin white layer. Pulse is thin. 2. Blood Stasis: excessive menstrual bleeding, surgical procedures or emotional trauma can cause these problems. Clinically this will manifest as infertility slack periods, the periods of delay with dark purple menstrual blood and blood clots, painful menstruation, frequent abdominal pain, a pale tongue body with purple spots and a pulse thin wire. 3. Heart blood and / or Yin deficiency: fatigue, palpitations, irritability, disorientation, forgetfulness, insomnia, sleep, sleep disturbances, hot flushes, night sweats, pale face. The tongue is pale or has a slightly red tip, with thin white layer. Pulse is thready, rapid or choppy. 4. Kidney Qi and Yang Deficiency possibly with Spleen Qi Deficiency: fatigue, pain or low back pain, weakness in knees, feeling cold all over the body, morning diarrhea, frequent urination, poor food and nutrition , shortness of breath that worsens with movement. This can manifest as impotence in men, or irregular menses in women. The tongue is enlarged and pale, with scallops and a thin white layer. Pulse is thready, weak and deep. 5. Obstruction of phlegm and moisture retention: fatigue, listlessness, sleepiness, plumpit qi, chest tightness, puffy face and legs, and overweight or heavy sensation in the body. Dusky tongue with moist or greasy coat. Slippery or full pulse. 6. Blood Deficiency: due to blood loss from trauma, surgery or childbirth. The insufficient production of blood due to fatigue or blood stagnation. Symptoms include lack of menstruation conceive; periods late, sparse and light colored and abundant water rules, absence of menstruation, pale, thin and weak body, dizziness, palpitations, difficulty breathing, insomnia, poor memory, tiredness, a pale tongue body with a thin layer of white tongue and a thin soft pulse. AdviseA nutritional healthy diet along with maintaining a healthy body weight (not too low, not too high) is the most important in order to optimize their chances of conception. Proper diet supports your body and its hormonal functions. A diet of fertility should be based on the specific constitutional patterns found in nutrition and hormone balance. This correlates with hormonal imbalances you are experiencing. Skipping meals, diets, not eating properly can help by taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement daily. The lack of good nutrition can cause a number of problems. Consider several light meals to avoid a severe case of the nap. Eat more calories early in the day will give the fuel it needs to continue. But you have to be selective in the type of fuel you choose. Carbohydrates, for example, is a fast burner. Fat, on the other hand, burns slowly, meaning that it slows you down. Eat a healthy balanced diet. Consider a highprotein, low fat diet with healthy complex carbohydrates. Water is essential in any healing process. Distilled water is best. Eight ounces 6.8 cups per day. Consider juice therapy. Grapes, plums, cherries, spinach, turnips, lettuce and beets provide a great synergy for all menstrual disorders. The power of green whole foods is essential for all day energy, greater focus on stress, the feeling of wellness, strengthening the immune system, fewer food cravings and optimum synergistic balance of essential nutrients for overall health. The whole green foods contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, active enzymes, bioflavonoids, chlorophyll and other phytonutrients necessary for cellular metabolism optimial, repair and protection! These ingredients contain the most powerful combination of nutrients ever known in any grain, herb or food. They contain almost all vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes necessary for the human diet, plus chlorophyll. Spirulina Blue Green Algae: Spirulina possesses a complete protein richer than beef, abundant organic mineral complexes, a wide variety of essential vitamins, and many beneficial enzymes. Spirulina is more than food. As with Chlorella has proven to be valuable with almost every aspect of health. These needs are bioavailable which means they are easily assimilated throughout the digestive tract, giving instant access to vital nutrients.Because algal chlorophyll and high nutritional content is an excellent cleaning program. Chlorella Green Algae: Chlorella resistant cell wall protects the valuable nucleus inside. When it dries immediately harvested and the cell walls are slightly ajar. The nutrients inside retain full power. Once in your body, cracking open cells release their valuable nutrients. Porque es tan f�cil de digerir, las c�lulas de obtener el beneficio completo de este poderoso equipo de nutrici�n. Estas necesidades son biodisponible que significa que son f�ciles de asimilar todo el tracto digestivo, que da acceso instant�neo a los nutrientes vitales. El alga proporciona el alimento intestinal y tiene un efecto calmante y curativo sobre la mucosa. Trabaja para desintoxicar y purificar nuestro sistema. La hierba de cebada y trigo Grass: cebada Comer y hierba de trigo es como comer un plato de vegetales verdes. Estas hierbas de cereales, se cosechan j�venes y son ecol�gicamente cultivados en suelos ricos en nutrientes. Son aproximadamente el 25% de prote�nas y contiene todos los amino�cidos esenciales, vitaminas concentradas, minerales y fibra. Se ha demostrado para aumentar nuestra salud en general mediante la reducci�n de putrefacci�n intestinal y el mantenimiento de sangre saludable otro componente importante de la limpieza. Lago Klamath Blue Green Algae: Esta planta crece notable 100% org�nica en el Lago Klamath Superior de Oregon. Blue Green Algae tiene m�s prote�na y clorofila en peso que cualquier otra planta o animal en la tierra. Klamath algas del Lago se considera la m�s rica en nutrientes de las algas. Lo que debe evitar: Limite los alimentos que tienen poco o nada de fibra tales como helados, queso, carne, snacks como papas fritas y pizza, y alimentos procesados tales como pur� de papas instant�neo o ya preparados de comidas congeladas. Tambi�n mucha harina blanca y az�car refinada. Lo que usted no come puede ser incluso m�s importante que lo que comen. Evite el alcohol y az�car, porque tienden a empeorar la situaci�n. Curb Your cafe�na. Una o dos tazas de caf� pueden trabajar para una patada en el engranaje de la ma�ana, pero sus beneficios por lo general termina ah�. Demasiada cafe�na es tan malo como demasiado de nada. Beber a lo largo del d�a para un alza de la energ�a en realidad puede ser contraproducente. La cafe�na te hace sentir como que tiene m�s energ�a, pero realmente no lo hacen. Reduzca el consumo de cafe�na para reducir el efecto de altas y bajas. Reducir los alimentos procesados y refinados: Evite los alimentos fritos, pasta blanca, arroz blanco, productos l�cteos de grasa total, las patatas blancas, pan blanco (baguettes, panecillos, pan pita). Los alimentos procesados pueden robar la comida de los nutrientes y vitaminas que su cuerpo necesita para luchar contra el estr�s y promover la buena salud. Trate de comprar alimentos integrales, alimentos sin procesar y tratar de mantenerse alejado de quot;instant�neaquot; alimentos, conservantes, sabores artificiales, grasas saturadas, alimentos refinados, hidrogenados alimentos y glutamato monos�dico. Reducir el Consumo de Az�car: El exceso de az�car puede privar a nuestro cuerpo de nutrientes esenciales. Los carbohidratos simples de productos de panader�a, pasteler�a, galletas y m�s galletas deben ser limitados a una porci�n muy peque�a o retirarse completamente de la dieta. Nutrici�n y hormonales BalanceCreating una dieta de fertilidad, lo mejor es mirar a los desequilibrios hormonales. El sistema endocrino es un conjunto de gl�ndulas que producen hormonas que regulan el crecimiento de su cuerpo, el metabolismo y el desarrollo sexual y la funci�n. Las hormonas se liberan en el torrente sangu�neo y se transporta a los tejidos y �rganos en todo su cuerpo. Las hormonas son mensajeros qu�micos que llevan una se�al de una c�lula (o grupo de c�lulas) a otra. Todos los organismos multicelulares producen hormonas, las hormonas vegetales tambi�n son llamados fitohormonas. Las c�lulas responden a una hormona cuando expresan un receptor espec�fico para esa hormona. La hormona se une a la prote�na del receptor, lo que resulta en la activaci�n de un mecanismo de transducci�n de se�ales que conduce en �ltima instancia al tipo de c�lula de respuestas espec�ficas. En cuanto a la reproducci�n, los ovarios, el �tero, los senos y test�culos, son los �rganos importantes que est�n reguladas por nuestras hormonas. Demasiado poco estr�geno, progesterona demasiado poco, las hormonas masculinas demasiados, y / o deficiencias de cortisol, son todos problemas comunes con las hormonas reproductivas. Nuestro sistema endocrino regula las hormonas, y por lo tanto de importancia vital para la salud reproductiva de hombres y mujeres. H�bitos adecuados de alimentaci�n, evitando ciertos h�bitos y el control de peso, son algunas �reas, que deben ser objeto de atenci�n cuando la concepci�n, o la salud en general es su objetivo. Muchas condiciones m�dicas tambi�n pueden afectar negativamente el equilibrio hormonal, como un problema de tiroides, diabetes, SOP, endometriosis, fibroides y demasiado alto o demasiado bajo �ndice de masa corporal son comunes a todos los contribuyentes a la infertilidad. Si usted cree que tiene signos y s�ntomas de las deficiencias o los desequilibrios hormonales, el primer lugar para buscar es su per�odo y ciclo menstrual. A continuaci�n encontrar� los desequilibrios hormonales comunes y c�mo empezar a poner remedio a ellos: Comer una dieta saludable y mantener un peso saludable lo optimizar sus probabilidades de concepci�n mediante el apoyo a su cuerpo y su funcionamiento hormonal. Sus niveles de nutrientes y qu� tan bien est� funcionando su digesti�n es un factor determinante de gran equilibrio hormonal en su cuerpo. Essential Fatty Acids and nutrients such as vitamin A, B6, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants are key factors to hormonal balance and therefore fertility. Enough fiber and optimal liver function are important because once hormones have completed their function; they are processed by the liver and put back into the digestive tract to be eliminated. A Liver Detox before beginning any fertility programs is usually a good idea. Food sensitivities are also important to be determined; they effect digestion and will ultimately decrease your absorption of vital nutrients, and therefore compromise your hormone balance. Most people already know if they are allergic to things such as peanuts and shellfish, but other commonly eaten foods such as dairy and wheat products cause problems without people knowing. Eliminate or at least limit greatly your consumption of milk, cheese, cream, sour cream, bread, pastas, and flour. After a couple of weeks, once the cravings for these items is waning, reassess how you are feeling, your energy levels, headaches, libido, bowel habits, etc.. If you feel a lot better than usual, it is almost certain that you are sensitive to these foods. It is also recommended strongly, if you are a meat eater, to make the switch to organic. The growth hormones (i.e. testosterone) in commercial meats wreak havoc on your hormonal balance. Too Little Estrogen The years leading up to menopause show a decrease in estrogen levels. Estrogen deficiencies also arise when estrogen is leached from the body via a diet too rich in wheat fiber, or if the bowels or liver recycles not enough estrogen. It may also be caused by low body weight, vitamin A deficiency, too much exercise, smoking, taking antibiotics, or being on the contraceptive pill for too long. Symptoms: (Yin vacuity), irregular menses, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, hot flashes, night sweats, bladder infections, dry skin, lethargy and depression, and signs of premature aging such as memory loss. Solutions: eating phytoestrogen rich foods and herbs (legumes, alfalfa sprouts, flax seeds, oats, hops, fennel, parsley, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cherries, and soy), and B vitamins, which contain PABA that stimulates the pituitary to produce estrogen. Too Much Estrogen Environmental estrogens are found in pesticides, plastics, and PCB#39;s (chemical pollutants in the water, air, and soil). These forms of estrogen are thought to have a major influence on the excessive amounts of estrogen that are being found in both men and women. Poor diet, with too much refined carbohydrate and saturated animal fat and too little fiber is also responsible. Eat more high fiber foods (except wheat bran) to prevent excess reuptake of estrogen by the bowel. Organic food reduces your exposure to pesticides, antibiotics, and growth hormones. Too much fat tissue increases your body#39;s ability to convert male hormones into estrogen. Stress also plays a major role in your liver and digestive system removing excess estrogen. Symptoms: (Yin excess), puffiness and bloating, water retention, rapid weight gain, breast tenderness, heavy bleeding, mood swings (anxiety, depression, weepiness), sleep problems, migraines, flushed face, low libido, foggy thinking, and high levels of copper in the system. Later, endometriosis, fibroids, gall bladder problems, poor blood sugar control, and hypothyroid conditions may arise. Symptoms in Men: hair loss, headaches, bloating, weight gain, prostate enlargement, irritability, and breast enlargement. Solutions: low fat high fiber diet, live yogurt (encourage excretion of estrogen), eating cabbagefamily veggies increases the rate at which the liver converts estrogen into a watersoluble form that can be excreted, increase protein intake to improve estrogen metabolism in the liver, vitamin B6 reduces the effects of excess estrogen, more exercise, less stress, and lose weight. Too Little Progesterone Progesterone is used to produce three different types of estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, and aldosterone. It helps control water balance, the use of fat for energy, proper thyroid function, and is a natural antidepressant. This is the most common hormone to be deficient in all women. When ovulation fails (due to perimenopause or other reasons) progesterone is not produced in the luteal phase (second half of cycle), or it is not produced long enough to sustain implantation. This can happen after using the pill too long, having a miscarriage, or breastfeeding. This is called a luteal phase defect. The luteal phase should be at least 12 days long for pregnancy to occur. Progesterone maintains a pregnancy in the beginning, so a deficiency may cause miscarriage. Women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), faulty secretion of other hormones such as FSH, LH, or prolactin, endometriosis, and menstrual irregularities, may have a progesterone deficiency. Symptoms: painful or lumpy breasts, headaches at a certain time of the cycle, anxiety, irritability, sleeping problems, unexplained weight gain, fatigue around ovulation, spontaneous sweating during the luteal phase, abdominal cramping and diarrhea, history of low blood pressure, PMS, bleeding between periods, a heavy menstrual cycle (but the blood is thin and watery)and reduced libido. Solutions: Avoid cold, raw foods, eliminate sweets and refined carbohydrates, the controversial progesterone therapy, natural progesterone cream, vitamin B6, E, magnesium, and evening primrose oil, vitex agnuscastus (man jing zi, chasteberry), reducing stress, less exercise, and increasing low body weight. Herbs that are imperative for boosting are ginseng, atractylodes, dioscorea and astragulus. Too Many Male Hormones Excess androgens can affect both men and women. In women this is usually a result of PCOS, a poor diet that includes a lot of sugar, refined or fried foods, and simple carbohydrates. Adrenal disorders, anabolic steroid use, corticosteroids, and obesity can also cause this. Symptoms: acne, ovarian cysts, excess body hair, unstable blood sugar levels, thinning hair on the head, midcycle pain, and erratic menses. Solutions: high fiber vegetarian diet that is low in saturated fats and high in phytoestrogens. Cortisol Deficiency Long term low level stress and/or poor nutrition fatigue the adrenals which causes a cortisol deficiency. This stress hormone competes with progesterone for receptor sites, leading to a condition of estrogen dominance and less active progesterone. Symptoms: (Kidney vacuity), unstable blood sugar levels, extreme fatigue, allergies, candida, insomnia, PMS, loss of libido, weak immune system (frequent colds), low blood pressure, alcohol intolerance, chronic fatigue, weak muscles, depression, and headaches. Solutions: reduce intake of stimulants such as sugar, caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol, healthy diet, relaxation, meditation, yoga, and Chinese herbal medicine. Healing Touch Therapy:There are many different approaches to massage and applications of it. quot;Massage Therapyquot; is a holistic procedure that affects all systems of the body; digestive, elimination, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine and nervous systems. Many of today#39;s health problems arise from stress. Because stress upsets the delicate integral balance of all your body#39;s functions, regaining this balance requires a holistic approach. Massage Therapy and Lymphatic Drainage Massage not only treats those parts of you which are a problem, but also affects the whole of your metabolism through normalizing your circulatory, muscular and nervous systems and their interdependent functioning. Massage is effective for the whole system. This can be done with soothing massage oils or relaxing body lotions in order for the practitioner#39;s hands to quot;glidequot; over the body with smooth, relaxing strokes. Learn How to Give a Massage. This step by step method will help you learn just how to make your subject feel great! The Femoral Massage increases blood flow to the pelvis allowing more nourishment to the uterus and ovaries. This massage may be more effective when performed by a partner. 1. Apply pressure with your fingertips to the artery just beneath the inguinal groove (the crease in your groin between your thigh and lower abdomen). This is the femoral artery, which comes from the iliac artery. The iliac artery has branches that supply blood to the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. 2. Feel with your fingertips, the pulsation in the artery. As you compress it, it will stop. Hold the pressure for 30 to 45 seconds. The blood is now backing up and increasing the pressure in the iliac arteries and flooding the pelvic organs with more blood. 3. Release the pressure and let the blood flow normally. Releasing this hold should allow you to feel a sensation of warmth rushing down your leg as the blood supply returns to the lower extremity. 4. Repeat on the opposite side. Perform this femoral massage three times in a row, twice a day, up to ovulation (or the day before the embryos are transferred). br I have an extensive background in fertility. Whether we work together or in conjunction with your doctors, I am happy to map out a plan for you that works. In Chinese medicine, our goal is to correct any imbalances, which are keeping you from getting pregnant. Situations that Chinese medicine and acupuncture are excellent at resolving include PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, hormone regulation and creating a better ovulation. br My mission is to get you pregnant. To see the baby through its full term. Assist in breeching the baby if necessary and even inducing labor when need be. Call me at my office, ProAcuMed at 917 843 3623 br br