Thursday, October 8, 2009

First step:: Done! Today I met with a fertility specialist for the first time

First step:: Done! Today I met with a fertility specialist for the first time. Nerves Holy Batman! Every morning was a disaster, anticipating both the best and worst of what might be at an appointment today. I do not answer the phone, called my mom or my husband to speculate on what the appointment would stand. Instead, I spent the morning (a) having a long and tears a conversation with God and (b) the adoption of Super dog a good walk to clear my mind and calm nerves before the shower and heading to the appointment. However, when I sat in the consulting room first meeting with the residents to go through my history and previous test results and then wait for the doctor to discuss the options (praying that he would use the plural and not unique or worse), my palms sweat and my heart beat while my lungs are fully inflated. That's always fun. When the doctor finally arrived, I found it not too hot, but definitely focused and direct, which I appreciated. And here is what he said. A large part of what may or may not come depending on the test results including: the FSH test. It's a test I've had twice before: first, at # 39, 01, the year before conceiving Super Boy, and second, in July # 39, 06, a few months after he began trying to conceive a second time. Both times I had this test, which was to determine whether or not gone through menopause early because, as you may recall, my mother and paternal grandmother, both through it was very early, which can have a significant impact in my own fertility. Anyway, I will repeat this test next week. Assuming, that is, that my reproductive system fickle suddenly decide to work knowing that my visit to the fertility specialist was imminent! Apparently, this doctor has had to spend two patients in recent months. Here's hoping I'm the third! We'll find out this weekend because my period is due on Saturday. (Well, not you glad to know that about me Do not worry I'll wait while you bleach your brain. ... Well Well, let's proceed.) FSH, for those not well versed in the language of infertility, the abbreviation of quot; fol�culo.quot stimulating hormone, FSH is a hormone found in the blood that helps control a woman's menstrual cycle and ovarian production of eggs, and beat a peak of each month, just before a woman releases an egg from an ovary. It also helps doctors determine the supply of eggs from a woman, or ovarian reserve. I have to have this blood test on day 3 of my cycle. What we see is a number not greater than about 1012. If the number is greater than that especially if it is a lot higher than that, then it may be that at the end of this road to have a second baby short of trying IVF (in vitro fertilization), we decided that would not t going to continue. However, if the number is less than 12, which is a good sign. (This, obviously, is what we are praying.) The doctor will also want to check my level of prolactin, which appears to be a regular blood test my OB / GYN did not order in recent years. I think this will be done at the same time my FSH. If we end up with the success of FSH, then the doctor will next challenge Clomid. This means that I will put in clomiphene citrate orally for four days with the hope that the drug stimulates the ovaries to release a few eggs during ovulation. Then the doctor will check my FSH level on day 10 and, assuming that my level is good, then try IUI, also known as quot; intrauterina.quot insemination; Think Turkey Baster! Well, not exactly a Turkey Baster more like a syringe with a quot; limpiaquot, the concentration of swimmers Super man that is injected directly into the uterus, bypassing the usual route from the cervix and give the kids a better chance of hitting their intended target (or targets ...!). That's right: The procedure could lead to multiple. The doctor said it happens in about 7% of cases, with most of the twins being. Frankly, I would agree with that. I always imagined I would have three or four children, but Super Man and I agree on two when we met and got married, because he already had Super Girl. So if just one more than expected take is far better than the alternative of no more, and is only an additional blessing in our book. A potential drawback in the plan other than my FSH level is high on day 3 of testing is that the uterine artery radiologost found during hysterosalpingography HSG () in June. The radiologist said it was quot; peque�aquot;, but forget to take or provide measures in its report on the procedure, so the fertility specialist wants to provide a better picture so that a Hysterosonogram (transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus after the injection of saline into the uterus). Which will take place next week or early next week. Apparently, fibroids can interfere with conception of whether they are of a certain size, depending on your location. If after Hysterosonogram fertility specialist wants to remove the fibroid to improve the chances of conception, intrauterine insemination can be put on hold until next month so I can have surgery (laparoscopy) to remove the first fibroma. That's all of my necessary tests and procedures, but Super Man has a little work to do, too. Although, as you might imagine, his quot; trabajoquot; is a bit more fun than mine! ;) Super Man has to provide a new quot; muestraquot, later this week so they can verify the results of earlier this year (which were analyzed by an external laboratory, not their own), then assuming all controls as expected and he really has super sperm which have to provide another quot; muestraquot;, when they do the IUI. Your swimmers will then be separated from all other garbage and is injected directly into the Promised Land, where it is expected that compliance with its intended purpose. So, yes, totally dude is easily the end of this deal! ;) I can not tell you how I feel reassured now. I realize that this is not the end of the journey, and for that I am truly grateful. I'm glad we still have reason to hope. I did my best to prepare in any way, and still could not reach a desired end of the road. That did not happen today. And I'm very, very happy. Peace and love, Super Woman br br