Thursday, October 8, 2009

If you have uterine fibroids and thinking of starting a family, you may wonder about the

If you have uterine fibroids and thinking of starting a family, you may wonder about the effects of uterine fibroids during pregnancy. Although the consequences may be, most women who are pregnant with fibroids have successful pregnancies. br However, be prepared and have some knowledge of the circumstances in which this could be a problem is desirable, since it is undeniable that in a small number of cases, problems can occur. There are two main issues surrounding the fibroids during pregnancy, size and location. br * Size Larger uterine fibroids can cause problems, especially when just below the lining of the uterus (submucosal). These can distort the uterine cavity to such an extent that makes it impossible to implement. Alternatively, even if the implantation occurs early miscarriage can happen, often even before a woman realizes she is pregnant. If a pregnancy occurs, more fibroids can cause complications such as bleeding, longer and more complicated deliveries and premature birth, such as fighting for more space for baby. br * Location Both small and large fibroids during pregnancy can cause problems if they are in the inlet tubes or cervix, as they block the passage of sperm, preventing it from reaching the egg. br As fibroids rarely grow during pregnancy, if the size is manageable to begin with and not in a position that is likely to cause problems, can be safely alone. However, as the fibroids are not aturalstate and represent an imbalance in the body can use a natural treatment for fibroids reduce if desired. br Regarding problematic fibroids, conventional treatment is often not adequate before pregnancy and surgery can weaken a scar on the uterus and may lessen the chances of a successful pregnancy. However, natural treatments that focus on treating the causes can be very effective if used properly and that is an option that you like to be considered. br One problem with fibroids during pregnancy is that doctors can never be sure exactly what has caused. It is true to say that fibroids form due to the subtle interaction of a number of factors that happen to coincide within a woman's body, causing the fibroid growth. Although there are a number of factors that predispose a woman to have fibroids, not all women will experience these factors fibroid growth. This can make conventional treatment difficult, since doctors can not be sure of the cause and can only therefore treat the symptoms. This means that the fibroids may grow back. br If you are thinking about getting pregnant with fibroids, you can get complete information about fibroids for visiting my website fibroids shrink There you will find extensive information on various treatments and solutions, including the details of a plan to shrink the 7 Steps Fibroids Naturally. br br