Dear Amelia, I have uterine fibroids and I had a myomectomy when he was 27. I am now 31 and have a daughter of 7 months. I have 5 fibroids, which became very big during my pregnancy. Not been reduced in size since having my baby, in fact, are slightly larger than they were at the time of his birth. Now I'm trying to have my second child and I'm dealing with these large fibroids that have not been reduced in size at all. Fortunately they are not painful. My goal in becoming pregnant and reduce fibroid size without undergoing another surgery. Please let me know what you think my thick of the action should be. My period is regular and always has been. My cycle is 26 days and my luteal phase is 12 days. We've only been trying for the past two months, but what worries me is that I will start a pregnancy with fibroids as large as were at the end of my last pregnancy.I had no trouble conceiving my daughter. It took 3 months. The pregnancy itself was difficult at times. I was on bed rest twice and had severe pain due to the size and location of fibroids and the size of the baby. Once I did at 22 weeks things even better, because I was big enough to accommodate both the baby and fibroids. I had a caesarean section and it recovered without any problem. I only nursed for 2 months because my milk supply was never really big. I always supplemented with formula. My husband's sperm was not tested.Sincerely, Oneka br br