Uterine fibroids are noncancerous tumors that occur in utero, often during the childbearing years. These growths may be called fibroids, leiomyomas or fibroids. Commonly uterine fibroids are not associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer and almost never become a cancerous growth. This means they are classified as a benign tumor. br For many women, fibroids do not cause too many problems and less often requires no treatment. At present the treatment options for women have improved to include not only surgery but also medical treatments that can reduce fibroids. This is important for women wishing to preserve their fertility. br Fibroids are the most frequently seen tumors in the female reproductive tract and are usually firm and compact made of smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue. Current statistics estimate that between 20 and 50% of women of reproductive age have fibroid tumors. Normalmente, s�lo un tercio de estos tumores son lo suficientemente grandes como para ser detectados por un m�dico durante un examen f�sico y cuando que las peque�as har� poco para no tener problemas con la fertilidad. br Women who have symptoms of fibroids can have a range of mild to severe symptoms. The most common symptoms are heavy or prolonged menstrual periods, abnormal bleeding between menstrual periods, pelvic pain, increased urination, back pain, pain during sex and often feel stiff dough about half of the pelvis can be felt by both the doctor and patient. br Each individual may experience symptoms differently and may vary from month to month. In some cases, periods of intense or prolonged can lead to iron deficiencyanemia requiring treatment. br Some women complain of lower abdominal fullness and marries infertility if fibroids are large enough and three ongoing spontaneous abortion or early onset of labor. br Uterine fibroids rarely cause acute pain when it outstrips the blood supply. Deprived of oxygen and nutrients to the tumor slowly begins to die. This tissue death creates products that seep into the surrounding tissue that causes fever and pain. Some tumors Which are attached by a stalk may become twisted cutting off its own blood supply and causing pain. br Fibroids can be located at two positions that affect the symptoms experienced by women. Fibroids that grow into the uterine cavity, submucous fibroids, are believed to be responsible for prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding. Subserosal fibroids, which are projected outwards from the uterus, can sometimes put pressure on the bladder causing urinary symptoms. If the fibroid protrudes from the back of the uterus may also press on the devastation caused constipation or pain. br When submucosal fibroids grow in great measure, may also cause problems with bladder, rectum and back pain problems. With improved treatment options and technology choices women have today to help relieve pain and improve their chances of fertility. It is important that women seek the advice of your health care professional as soon as you think they may have fibroids, especially if they want to preserve their fertility. br Kalyx Oils Natural Herbs is where we recommend buying all organic, wild crafted herbs bulk spices, tea and pure, organic essential oils! br you like to learn the healing art of aromatherapy, color / crystal therapy or reflexology Become a Professional aromatherapy, color, Crystal Pro, or a professional Reflexology through home study certification and distance learning courses at Alternative Healing Academy! br br