Dr. Levey is an expert on fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic pain, vulvodynia, gynecology and minimally invasive surgery. The intention of this blog is to help answer common questions and rebut misinformation offered on many Internet sites. br acupuncture and nutrition: A way to improve the symptoms associated with fibroids So we work with the office of an acupuncturist fantastic here and asked what could we do to publicize some of the ways that acupuncture can help women with different problems gynecological. The following items of information and was written by Robert Branch. He has over 20 years experience in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. I trust him to help and welcome to my network specialists.Fibroids or fibroids are benign tumors in 20% of women over 35 years of age. Uterine fibroids are the most common tumor of the female reproductive organs and are associated with menstrual pain, heavy menstrual bleeding and fertility problems (R. Lewis, P.hD., L.Ac.). A Chinese study used traditional Chinese herbal medicine to treat 223 cases of uterine fibroids.Herbs administered after menstruation. The authors report a 72% reduction in the amount of menstrual blood. Symptoms such as abdominal pain and backache were improved in 58.8%. The overall efficacy rate was 92.4%. Fibroids completely disappeared in 13% of cases were markedly reduced by 29%, slightly reduced by 19% and unchanged in 28%. Acupuncture is also recommended in the treatment of fibroids. The stimulation provided by acupuncture has been found to reduce the growth of fibroids cells.Other natural treatments (potentially useful for symptoms associated with endometriosis), include: Rest and loose clothing, comfortable clothingPerform deep breathing exercises and meditation, the restrooms practicesTake hot (with aromatherapy, if desired.) The use of essential oils like frankincense, myrrh, sage, mint, lavender, rosemary, juniper and thyme.Use a heating pad or hot water bottle of castor oil, hot compresses abdomenApply in the abdomen to strengthen the blood and lymphaticsymptom help balance hormone levels. Apply warm castor oil to the lower abdomen plastic andcover two to three times per day during the premenstrual and menstrualperiod.Take herbal supplements that strengthen the blood (and those for resolving concomitantpatterns as appropriate.) Avoid all foods that have been treated hormone. The consumption of soy and its derivatives, such as organic fruits and tofu.Buy only oils.Use vegetables.Avoid refined, rancid and only hydrogenated vegetable oils rich in essential fatty acids and linolenic acids.Use both alphalinoleic as oil seeds flax, pumpkin seedandchiaseed, but only if done little cold pressed and diet refined.Include spirulina, evening primrose oil and olive oil and black currant arachadonic power borageseeds.Avoid acid, which comes from meat animals, dairy products, eggs, peanuts and seaweed.Decrease the amount of animal products, diet, if you eat the flesh fish.If, make sure that is why less organic and nonhormonal treated.Eat nuts, green leafy vegetables, saffron and cold weather crops. Foods that are especially good for resolving blood stasis include: seaweed, lemons, onions, Irish moss, and bladderwrack.Antioxidants (vitamins C, E, betacarotene, selenium, zinc) superantioxidants (seed extract grapes, pine bark extract, red wine extract, bilberryextract), Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil and flaxseed oil) br br br br br br