Uterine fibroids are very common in women of childbearing age, but most do not even know they have them as symptoms of fibroids can be easily confused with something else. 50% of women with fibroids have no symptoms at all, and only now have fibroids during a pelvic exam, or when they are having problems conceiving.Here are some of the most common symptoms that need to be aware of, to know when its time to take action.Abdominal swelling if your belly is bulging, but it feels hard when you touch it, this is a common symptom of fibroids. Many women with fibroids look pregnant when they are, and find that the swelling gets worse during menstruation time.Heavy if you find that you're constantly having to change super plus tampons or pads are not enough night during her period, this is also a sign that the fibroids are the cause of abnormal bleeding. A little bleeding can be so bad that blood transfusions are needed.Abnormal hemorrhage bleeding in addition, may find that you are spotting between periods or your periods are lasting 6 days or more. Some women also spend a lot of great black clots in blood.Vaginal menstrual bleeding after menopause women who have gone through menopause may experience bleeding after several years of not having periods. This is another indication of fibroids become control.Back of pain, or pain in the back of the legs women with fibroids sometimes experience pain in seemingly unrelated places. This is because the nerves that connect the uterus to the brain to the nerves located near the back and legs.Cramps Fibroids can cause severe cramps as the uterus recognized as a foreign body to expel. You may feel some women like to go to work, and the pain can be so bad that the pain will not take away.Pelvic pain this can come in the form of a constant dull pain to severe pain, depending on the type of fibroid. Some fibroids can compress other organs, and make them feel under pressure because of problems well.Urinary women with large fibroids may experience frequent urination, as the fibroid presses on the bladder, or difficulty urinating, if the fibroid is blocking any part of the urinary system. The frequent urinary tract infections are also linked to the fibroids interfere with the functioning of the urinary system.Constipation fibroids pressing on the colon can prevent regular bowel movements, painful digestion, and are easily confused with the syndrome irritable bowel. If you're in a relationship, fibroids can also cause pain during intercourse, depending on where the fibroid. Being in constant pain or fatigue due to anemia or symptoms of fibroids can also reduce sexual desire, causing difficulties in the relationship, in some couples.Infertility and miscarriage Fibroids can stand in the way of conception, and have a healthy pregnancy. It can block the fallopian tubes, preventing the implantation takes place, or in pregnant women interfere with fetal development or cause the uterus to spasm and miscarriage.The most important thing to note is that it is essential to take steps to reduce fibroids now instead of waiting until later. Even if fibroids are small and are giving no problem, can grow very quickly, and can have serious health implications of organs.Remember other for every woman who is 6 months pregnant because of her fibroids, or bleeding as what's going wrong blood transfusions, there was a time in your life when your fibroids are very small, and he was not given any problems. This is why its so important not procrastinate.Autor: Shola Shola Oslo OsloLevel: Basic PLUSMy name is Shola and I am a kinesiologist based in the UK. I am a medical researcher, writer and advocate of herbal remedies .... Principles of action now can avoid having to resort to risk surgery or taking drugs that can have dangerous side effects. You can save your uterus, your relationship, your fertility and health. You can get more information www.fibroidsetc.com / symptomsoffibroidsAdded: February 17, 2009Source: ezinearticles.com / br br