Friday, October 9, 2009

Myoma: A benign smooth muscle tumor of the uterine wall. A

Myoma: A benign smooth muscle tumor of the uterine wall. A fibroid in the uterus called fibroids fibroid.Uterine are the most common indication for hysterectomy. Fibroids can be present and be apparent. Significant morbidity, however, are clinically evident in up to 25% of women and causes, including prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure or pain, and in rare cases, reproductive dysfunction. Both the cost of the economy and the impact of fibroids on quality of life substantial.Fibroids are not cancerous. Drugs that manipulate the levels of steroid hormones are effective in the treatment of fibroids, but side effects limit their longterm use. Fibroids can be removed if they cause discomfort or are associated with uterine bleeding. Surgery is the mainstay of fibroid treatment. In addition to hysterectomy and abdominal myomectomy, various minimally invasive procedures have been developed to eliminate fibroids.Fibroids: Uterine fibroids (also known as myoma, leiomyoma, leiomyomas, and fibromyoma). Fibroids range in size from very small coins (in size) to larger than a melon. A large uterine fibroids can cause the uterus to expand the size of a pregnancy of six or seven months. There can be a dominant fibroid or a group of many small fibroids.There are three main types of uterine fibroids, classified mainly according to location in the uterus: subserosal uterine fibroids: These fibroids develop on the outside of the uterus and continue to grow outward. Intramural uterine fibroids: The most common type of fibroids. These develop within the uterine wall and expand making the uterus feel larger than normal (which can cause symptoms in bulk. Submucosal uterine fibroids: These fibroids develop only in the lining of the uterine cavity. These are the fibroids have the greatest effect on menstrual bleeding and can cause infertility and miscarriage. Pedunculated: Fibroids that grow on a small stem that connects to the interior or exterior wall of the uterus. Symptoms of uterine fibroids: periods very heavy menstrual periods. Pain in the back of the legs. pelvic pain or pressure. Pain during intercourse. Pressure on the bladder that leads to a constant need to urinate, incontinence or the inability to empty the bladder. The pressure on the intestine that can cause constipation and / or swelling. An enlarged abdomen which may be mistaken for weight gain or pregnancy. Treatment: Hysterectomy: Surgical removal of the uterus. Wait a hospital stay and recovery period.There 3 types of hysterectomy: total hysterectomy, the surgeon removes the entire uterus, including the cervix. Subtotal HysterectomyThe surgeon removes the top of the uterus, leaving the cervix. HysterectomyThis radical hysterectomy is performed for more detailed or cervical cancer cervical cancer. With any type of hysterectomy, the ovaries and fallopian tubes can be removed and (Salpingoophorectomy). This is more common in women over 45 years. Please feel free to discuss your preferences with your doctor.There four ways of doing a hysterectomy: abdominal hysterectomy, the operation is performed through a 1520cm incision in the abdomen. The incision may be horizontal and very low (bikini line) or vertical from navel to pubic bone . This is the traditional way of having a hysterectomy, still necessary in some difficult cases. Generally, it requires a longer hospital stay and longer recovery period than other methods of performing a hysterectomy. vaginal hysterectomy the uterus is removed through incisions in the vagina. This is the safest way to perform a hysterectomy. Its main disadvantages are that it can not be technically possible to implement (eg large uterus) and that the surgeon can not be able to see or deal with other problems inside the abdomen. laparoscopic hysterectomy Through 4 small incisions in the abdomen, and using quot; keyhole surgery techniques quot;, uterus and ovaries, or can be cut free and removed through the vagina. This is the new form of hysterectomy. It is only by a small number of surgeons. Initially, there was a slightly higher incidence of complications as surgeons were learning the procedure. It is envisaged that the risks are comparable to abdominal hysterectomy, but the recovery time is shorter. laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy quot; invasivaquot minimally, and is used to help the surgeon to perform a vaginal hysterectomy in situations where the only other option would be abdominal hysterectomy. Performed by many gynecologists, it is useful for the removal of the ovaries or if another disease is present, such as fibroids or endometriosis. Ovarioncyst Elimination Uetrus with large retirement Uetrus General risks of surgery: the wound, the chest or urinary tract infection: 35% major bleeding requiring blood transfusion: 24% of blood clots in the legs or lungs: The risks of anesthesia including heart attack or stroke: the abnormal formation of scar tissue (keloids): Potential specific variable to hysterectomy: Injury to adjacent organs, including bowel, bladder or ureter: pelvic hematoma (blood clot): 3.5%. temporary alteration in the bladder and the habit bowel is common after a hysterectomy. Menopause can start one or two years before. prolapse of the vagina may be more common after hysterectomy secondary to rupture of the supports of the upper vagina. This may require corrective surgery. During a vaginal or laparoscopic hysterectomy is a small chance that the surgeon is necessary to make sure total abdominal hysterectomy procedure. Troubleshooting: vaginal bleeding and discharge A small amount of vaginal bleeding is common after this surgery and may persist for 6 weeks. It has some ultra thin sanitary pads in hand best to avoid tampons. Please report any discharge that is offensive or becomes heavier than a period.Return to normal business activities must be confined for 4 6 weeks after surgery (including most housework). It is important that you do not do any heavy work for 6 weeks or heavy lifting for 8 weeks after surgery. As a general rule, if it hurts, do not! Intercourse should not be resumed until six weeks after surgery and one week after the bleeding stops. It is not advisable to drive a car until you are completely comfortable and feels good. This can be between 26 weeks. Do not plan a long trip, even as a passenger to swim at least a couple of weeks after his discharge from hospital. Gentle okay once all vaginal secretions has settled. constipation.If Avoid a problem increasing fiber intake and fluids (at least 1.1 liter of water per day Y2). Coloxyl tablets (12 tablets once or twice daily) may also be useful. Abdominal Myomectomy: Removal of one or more of the fibroids with hysteroscopic myomectomy open surgery . Laparoscopic or Abdominal one or more of the fibroids are removed by laparoscopic or endoscopic therapy techniques.Harmone: pharmacological treatment of GnRH causes fibroids embolization shrinkage.Uterine: The uterine artery is injected with beads of polyvinyl alcohol with the catheter, blocking the blood flow to fibroids, causing waiting necrosis.Watchful: No treatment.Monitoring for any progression of symptoms. br br