Friday, October 9, 2009

Hello, and welcome to the second part of this educational article about fibroids

Hello, and welcome to the second part of this educational article about fibroids. We read yesterday that because of its benign nature, it is very difficult for a woman to know if you have fibroids or not. Since it is not cancerous, there is little to worry about.Well, that is true to some extent. This is because, according to the previous article said, fibroids is capable of a barren woman and this is not always the case, depending on size and location of the tumor. It also causes anemia and women with the tumor tend to have heavy bleeding that leads to loss of blood. That's why it is always necessary to undergo periodic examination by your physician to find out if you have or not. This is important when women experience one or more symptoms such as heavy bleeding, irregular pattern of bowel or bladder, severe pain during sexual intercourse.In article today, we are learing more about the different treatment available and their possible effects. It is of great size at this stage to note that most fibroids do not in the way of a pregnancy. Although in some cases, can cause discomfort, usually does not cause any embarrassment. Some fibroids in parts of the matrix can make conception difficult or lead to miscarriages as they press or block entry of the fallopian tube which prevents the egg from reaching the uterus. Also work may interfere with birth and is blocked if the channel. If this becomes the case, your doctor may suggest a cesarean section.Living With FibroidsThe most common approach for fibroids that cause heavy bleeding is controlled instead of treating them. Here are some things you can do to slow the growth of fibroids within you: 1. Avoid alcohol, sugar and saturated fats. They make it harder for your body to regulate hormones. This may increase the cramping and bloating.2. Eat fruits and vegetables, especially broccoli and spinach. They can also help the body regulate its levels.3 estrogen. Getting enough vitamin B, calcium, magnesium and potassium is thought to help reduce cramping and FibroidIf has bloating.Treatment oF fribroids not cause any problems, you do not need any problems. In fact, many women who have less lifethreatening condition of the fibroids are gone by before having children. Your doctor may suggest you keep an eye on any change in his condition. Depending on the size and location of the tumor, your doctor may suggest treatment.Treating fibroids has traditionally meant undergoing major surgery, but now there are many options to consider. Here are some of the treatments available: 1. Drug Therapy / Treatment Drug treatment is a way of dealing with the symptoms associated with fibroids. Treatment includes longterm use of hormone therapy can reduce symptoms of minimizing fibroidand. A group of drugs called GnRH analogues are used to reduce estrogen levels in your body and as a result, causes the fibroids to shrink. Studies have shown that when taken over a period of six months, GnRH analogues can reduce the size of fibroids by up to 50%. They also stop menstrual bleeding and pelvic pain. But GnRH analogues should not be taken for more than six months, a number of side effects. These include menopauselike symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness and bone loss (osteoporosis) .2. Surgical The 2 main surgical treatment of fibroids are myomectomy and hysterectomy. Myomectomy is a surgical procedure that removes only the fibroids leaving the uterus intact. Drug therapies is often recommended as a presurgical treatment to shrink fibroids before removal. Myomectomy can be performed either through an open incision in the abdomen or through a less invasive procedure. There is also a laparoscopic myomectomy, which is the removal of fibroids through laparoscope is inserted through the abdomen. Then hysteroscopic myomectomy is also the removal of fibroids, using a similar insrtument telescope called a hysteroscope that is inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterus. With this approach, fibroids can be removed intact or a targeted electric current vaporizes or shave away the fibroids.3. Uterine artery embolization This is a research method nonsurgical treatment of fibroids. During embolization, the blood supply to the fibroid is blocked so that over time, the fibroid will shrink. This procedure is performed by a doctor who specializes in radiology.4. Hysterectomy This is the surgical removal of the uterus and this is the only guarantee to stop occuring.These fibroids by the time of treatment are available for fibroids. All options involve a surgical procedure of some kind. Meanwhile others seem harmless on the surface, for other purposes in the eventual removal of the entire array. This, as you would mean that women can not have children, a condition that is devastating for many women. But What other alternatives You thought that somewhere there will be other methods to cure this condition and without going with knives This was the case some years ago ... it is ... Until now ... Modern research has shown that there are natural remedies for the reduction of uterine fibroid tumors, but more imprtantly, there are natural ingridients when taken in our daily lives, it will greatly reduce the possibility of developing fibroids. Infact here are some of these natural herbs that has shown the last couple of years to shrink fibroids, herbs that are very difficult to locate because they are everywhere around us but we have so often overlooked: 1. Chaste tree Deletion of the overproduction of estrogen and is widely used to balance hormones and treat premenstrual symptoms. It has also been shown to lower estrogen levels sometimes, while increasing progesterone levels and has stron inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effects that aid the body shrinks fibroids.2. Red Raspberry Used to control excessive menstrual bleeding and strengthens and tones muscles of the uterus. Red raspberry is very useful for supporting the body back into balance the reproductive organs. It's antinausea and antiinflammatory effects of red raspberry makes a powerful herb for menstrual problems.3. Siberian Ginseng Ginseng has been used for over 4,000 years in Chinese medicine to combat anemia caused by heavy bleeding and maintain energy levels. It helps you to manage levels of blood sugar by avoiding energy crashes during the month. Among other things, it also reduces blood clotting, especially when mixed with red clover.These are only a handful of herbs in many instances we have seen or heard of but never thought of his power, especially to reduce the size natural fibroids. There are a couple of resources I found in my search for information on fibroid.Up until now, I never thought fibroids can cut naturally without the aid of medical procedure. In fact, this resource is so important that I recommend to you. So here is the recommended resources: 1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / br br