Friday, October 9, 2009

My mood: Points: 5266.26 Bank: 640.87 Total Points: 5907.13 Donate article

My mood: Points: 5266.26 Bank: 640.87 Total Points: 5907.13 Donate article on Infertility Natural Treatments Forgive me if this article has been published already, but I thought it was interesting and informative for all who have questions about herbs. Infertility br Loretta Lanphier, ND, CN, HHP, CH infertility should be one of the saddest things that any couple could ever happen. It's very emotionally draining, and can exert real effort in a relationship. In addition, options for treating infertility are so numerous that can be confusing and overwhelming. The cost of therapies can be prohibitive as well, increasing stress levels more. Here we see the facts behind the causes of infertility and discuss some options, and solutions. The aim of this paper will be from the perspective of natural medicine. There are options available for people that I will not delve into because I do not think they are safe or wise choices. I refer mainly to the fertility drugs. The dangers of these drugs are well documented, both parents and children. Many have been linked to reproductive cancers and other conditions in the parents, and developmental problems with babies. I personally would not feel comfortable taking such risks with my life and the lives of others, and I will not recommend these drugs to others. Now that I have prepared the ground, let's begin. What is infertility Infertility is defined as the inability of a man and a woman to conceive a child through sexual intercourse after trying regularly for one full year. Therapies to overcome this problem can focus on the man, woman, or both. If neither has ever conceived, it is called quot; primariaquot infertility;. If one or both has been designed in the past, infertility is known as quot; secundariaquot;. How common is infertility According to statistics, 20% of all couples are infertile at a given time. This figure has increased over the past 30 years. The explanation for this is not true, but theories abound. Is usually attributed to the sociological changes in our society such as the tendency of people to marry later and often put off having children. It is well known that infertility increases with age. Other factors may be that the greater frequency of premarital sex and sex with multiple partners has led to an increased incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). STDs can cause many problems, including pelvic inflammatory disease and scarring that can make conception difficult or impossible. ETS also can adversely affect sperm production in healthy men. Abortion is also a problem. In many cases, women who have aborted a baby can have complications that make subsequent pregnancies problematic. The researchers also believe the use of an intrauterine device (IUD) for contraception may cause an increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, which leads to problems with conception. Infertility is a condition of equality of opportunity. In general, the problem is attributed to man 40% of the time, women about 40% of the time, and quot; culpaquot; is shared about 20% of the time. What are the main causes of infertility Let's look at the factors most common male first. All are related to the condition of the sperm. The number of sperm and their health is essential for successful conception: Sperm Count: This is a test whereby a sample of semen is collected and analyzed in the laboratory. Sperm production is determined. A normal sperm count is more than 20 million per milliliter of semen. A count of 520 million subfertility. Anything under 5 million is considered infertile. Sperm motility was also examined. Will be analyzed to determine if they are structurally capable of quot; nadarquot; normally. It's normal to 25% of the sperm in a given sample to be quot; anormalquot;. Anything else that can cause fertility problems. The amount of sperm is also looked at. Too much or too little can cause problems. If any abnormality is found in semen, can be attributed to many factors: the damage of an STD (either past or present), structural abnormalities in the male reproductive organs, or an endocrine imbalance. Some suggested treatments include treatment of any infection from an STD. Having sex less often so that the sperm count has an opportunity to build relationships on the woman is ovulating. This will make better use of available healthy sperm. In some cases, it was determined that the woman is allergic to a man's sperm, and in fact developed an antibody. One such therapy is suggested for the couple to have sex for 30 days using a condom. This may decrease the resistance of women to the man's sperm. When considering possible causes of infertility in the female perspective, the place to start is with ovulation. Ovulation can be confirmed by a monthly chart to record body temperature daily. Temperatures of a woman is slightly higher at the time of ovulation. If this seems to be working properly, the next step is a test to validate the results. Quot The hormone, luteinizing hormone (LH) is released into the urine just before ovulation. If found to LH, ovulation was successful. There are surgical options for men and women to try to correct psychological problems such as blocked fallopian tubes, fibroids, or structural abnormalities that prevent any kind of success that causes a pregnancy. Most of these are quite invasive, and results are not as good as expected for taking such risks. (ANY surgery is risky, especially when subjected to anesthesia. It's the closest thing to death, in addition to the real thing, and many mistakes are made each year. I would be careful about the decisions regarding the Surgery.) are generally not covered by health insurance, and can be very expensive. Let's look at some of the noninvasive or minimally invasive options for couples, artificial insemination: This is a procedure that involves semen collection and marketing through a syringe into the cervix to coincide with ovulation. From here you can have an easy trip to the fallopian tubes where fertilization occurs. Sometimes when a man's sperm is weak or low in number, several samples of sperm are inserted into the cervix together to increase the chances of conception. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): Eggs and sperm are removed from the bodies of the couple, and fertilized in a petri dish in the laboratory. The embryo is inserted into the uterus. Children who are conceived this way are known as quot; probetaquot babies;. This procedure is very expensive, and the success rate is only a mere 20%. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is another option whereby a single sperm is injected into an egg to stimulate fertilization. This is a variation of IVF, so that spending is even greater and the chances of success remain very poor. Interfallopian gamete transfer (GIFT) involves placing sperm and eggs directly into the fallopian tubes. Zygote intrafallopian transfer (TET) is a variation of gifts, where the embryo is fertilized in vitro, and then inserted into the fallopian tubes. Both gift and ZIFT requires a minimally invasive incision in the abdomen. What about natural solutions for infertility There are many natural options that can be used to try to help the body increase its own chances of successful conception. Couples should begin to reevaluate your lifestyle. Studies have shown that habits like alcohol, snuff, caffeine and decreased the chances of getting pregnant. Another nono is tight underwear for men. This creates a less friendly environment for healthy sperm production. Ditch the kids writing, and go in shorts. It is also highly recommended that couples avoid saunas, steam rooms or whirlpools. High temperatures in these environments kills sperm. Follow common sense, eating a healthy diet that is heavy on foods rich in nutrients as fresh, organic fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. Stay away from junk food, refined sugar, canned and processed foods. Get enough sleep and exercising regularly. Drink copious amounts of pure, clean water every day. Dealing with stress through relaxation, EFT, nature walks, the sun and a massage or a warm bath with magnesium oil. This kind of life produces optimal health, and gives all body systems a chance to perform at their best, including the reproductive system. There are quite a few herbal and nutritional supplements that have historically proven to help with infertility: Vitamin E (not synthetic, mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols) may help prevent reproductive damage in both sexes. Increases sperm count and sperm motility. You can help balance hormones in women. Natural Progesterone Cream bioidentical progesterone that your body produces. Low progesterone levels have been found to cause infertility and miscarriage Serrapeptase can help dissolve the fibroids and cysts Iodine Therapy help with thyroid problems (hormonal imbalance) and cysts. It can also help balance hormones. Vitamin C prevents reproductive damage in men and women. You can also increase sperm count, folic acid has been shown to increase fertility in infertile women adequate B complex is necessary for fertility betacarotene may increase sperm count and motility Selenium stimulates sperm count and motility. It also lowered the percentage of abnormal sperm in infertile men arginine also increases sperm count and motility Ashwaganda increases sperm count and semen quality vitex (Vitex) balances the hormones in men and women balances hormones False Unicorn Ginseng is great for women for men, increases sperm account, levels of testosterone and sexual desire Ladies mantle aid hormonal balance in women licorice balances estrogen and testosterone Grenada supports and strengthens the female reproductive system support Mirra infertility in women improves the structure of pine bark and sperm performance Pygeum helps men who have very little sperm Nettle is excellent for women, support and uterus hormones testosterone Saw Palmetto increases and strengthens the system male reproduction. Red clover supports the uterus and calms the nerves and helps maintain the balance of female hormones in raspberry leaf supports mucous membranes of the uterus Rehmannia fights combat infertility and infertility Shatavari balances the hormones in men and women. You can also increase sperm count Armed with this information, the chances of overcoming infertility are good. Statistics tell us that only 50% of all couples who seek help for infertility have ever experienced a successful pregnancy. However, there is a good chance that most of these couples were counseled about the importance of getting your body healthy. And remember, nobody has to be a statistic. Loretta Lanphier, ND, CN, HHP, CH is a naturopathic physician, clinical nutritionist, Holistic Health Practitioner and Clinical Herbalist in Houston, TX and founder / CEO of Oasis Advanced Wellness. Under her leadership, Oasis Advanced Wellness is known and respected as one of the leading companies in providing safe, non toxic, hitech natural health and wellness solutions, along with health programs to cuttingedge. Dr. Lanphier is the author of five health and wellness ebooks, including strategies for optimum health Doing what works. Lanphier is Editor and contributor to the free ENewsletter worldwide Advanced Health Wellness We invite you to visit us at Oasis Advanced Wellness, PMS, menopauseprogesteroneResource Center, the Resource Center for acne, Center for Skin Care Resource, the Resource Center Glyconutrient, Allergy Asthma and Sinus Resource Center br __________________ Put your big girl underwear and deal with it! To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 0 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 0 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. 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