Uterine fibroids are prominent in women aged 15 years and 50 years, but most are not aware that viable fibroid symptoms may be misinterpreted as another disease. 50% of women with fibroids have no symptoms of fibroids at all, and are only aware that they have fibroids during a thorough pelvic exam, or when faced with problematic events during conception. br But for the other half of women with this condition, here are some of the predominant symptoms of uterine fibroids to consider: br Abdominal bloating, if your stomach swelling is common with pregnancy, but apparently feels too sound when you touch it, this is a common symptom of fibroids. Many women with fibroids are similar to one final aspect of pregnancy and start to see a gradual increase in inflammation over time. expensive heavy menstruation br / if you start to notice abnormal menstruation, and resources are needed to constantly change its period, this is a sign of fibrosis bleed abnormally heavy. The bleeding can sometimes be as bad youll most likely required to perform a blood transfusion. br Abnormal bleeding occurs between periods, and in addition to menstruation and heavy periods over six days at a time. Abnormal bleeding includes many clots of thick black that can happen during the period. br vaginal bleeding after menopause If you've found that has already gone through menopause and suddenly start bleeding after several years of not going through your period, this is another indicator that the fibroids are hurting bad. br back pain or pain in the rear of the regions of the leg so that as a woman begins to have pain in the remote and unlikely that your body all your mid torso and lower torso. This results because the leg again and nerves are located near nerves that link the uterus to the brain. br Women experience cramps and spasms that fibroids are identified as particulate matter from the uterus that need to be discarded. Women may even experience cramps as if a huge step into a job. The pain is so intense that even the pain wouldnt help reduce pain. br pelvic pain, the pain varies from sharp to consistent, but vibrant. Different fibroids cause different levels of pain and large fibroids may even push other organs, causing compression. br Urinary problems another problem is when a woman has large fibroids experience this can lead to constant and frequent urination, as the fibroid compressing the bladder, or difficulty urinating, if the fibroid is interfering or encumber any part of the urinary system. Constant urinary tract infections are also linked to fibroids frustrate the operation of the urinary system. br Constipation This symptom is often misdiagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome, because the fibroid pressing against the colon prevents bowel movements occur as they should. br Painful intercourse, fibroids low sex drive that are large enough to create pressure on other organs interferes with sexual pleasure. The pain is enough to cause low sexual desire, but the loss of blood, together with anemia and other symptoms of fibroids make relationships more undesirable activity. Abortion br involuntary infertility and fibroids can cause serious problems for women attempting pregnancy by blocking the fallopian tubes, keeping an egg from implanting in the uterus. In women who have become pregnant, uterus, fibroids can be recognized as foreign bodies and may contract, causing spasms and potential miscarriage. br The most important indication to note is that its integral to taking action to remove the fibroids now instead of waiting until later. Even if fibroids are minimal and apparently not a problem, which in turn can develop quickly and can lead to serious consequences for the welfare of their other internal organs. br Even in the most extreme cases, where a woman is visibly pregnant with fibroids or the need for blood transfusions during his term, which began with small asymptomatic fibroids. It is difficult to determine exactly how problematic fibroids will in the future, but it's important not to take the game and do nothing. br This can lead to a necessary surgery, but dangerous and the need for unpleasant side effects of medications. Doing something now may prevent infertility, damage to the uterus and save their relationships and health. For more information about the symptoms of fibroids visit hubpages.com / hub / br symptomsoffibroids Related posts: Fibroids and Pregnancy Fibroids and bring to mind several questions and concerns. Two that immediately come to mind is whether a woman with fibroids can become pregnant, or if it is safe for her to be in that condition. Yes, a healthy pregnancy is possible if there are fibroids present, but attendance is required. The information contained herein contains advice intended to help the healthy birth experience, despite uterine fibroids .... Should I be concerned about uterine fibroids If you're like most women suffer from uterine fibroids, the first thing you want to know is if they are cancerous. Well, if you are searching the internet for information about uterine fibroids then you've come to the right place .... What are uterine fibroids are cancerous Millions of women have uterine fibroids ever become paranoid because they tend to believe that these tumors are cancerous. In fact, if you have landed on this article because you are one of the millions of women dealing with this problem, then this may be the most important article you read today .... Uterine fibroids are cancerous If you're like most women suffer from uterine fibroids, the first thing you want to know is if they are cancerous. Well, if you are searching the internet for information about uterine fibroids then you've come to the right place .... fibroid tumors can cause an enlarged uterus Millions of women suffer from fibroids; made in the investigation shows that at least 1 in 5 women who suffer from this problem. Sometimes the fact that you're reading this article because they have been affected by this condition, or maybe you know someone who has been affected by it .... br br