Most of time, women of childbearing age can not recognize the symptoms of uterine fibroids are very common in this age. Fibroids do not have specific symptoms, unless detected during a pelvic exam or when there is a problem of conception. What are the symptoms of fibroids br these are some symptoms that women colloquial between these ages must be aware of, so it will be able to take immediate action if necessary. br Abdominal swelling hard to the touch and bulging belly is a sign of fibroids. Women with fibroids look pregnant and the swelling gets worse over time. br menstrual bleeding further evidence of fibroids is heavy that leads to frequent change tampons or sanitary napkins. In some cases, blood transfusion is necessary. br menstrual bleeding irregular bleeding between periods or menses lasting longer than six days is another symptom associated. Heavy clotting can also occur. Postmenopausal Bleeding: Women may find that they have vaginal bleeding after menopause has ended, even after several years of not having a period. Back pain or back of the legs: Due to the proximity of the nerves that connect the uterus to the brain and nerves that link the back and legs to the brain, the pressure of uterine fibroids can cause pain apparently not related . br Cramps: strong contractions of the uterus can occur. The uterus is ridding the body of fibroids, as they are recognized as foreign bodies. The pain of these contractions can be compared to labor pains, and sometimes will continue even with the use of analgesics. br pelvic pain this particular pain, may result in the creation of a constant feeling of aching pain of mild to very unfathomable, depending on the severity of fibroids. Some fibroids can compress many other internal organs also causing uncomfortable pressure. br Urinary problems as in pregnancy women with fibroids have frequent urination. If the fibroid is blocking the urinary system there is no difficulty to urinate and urinary tract infections are also common. br Constipation This is one of the symptoms are not considered related to fibroid. Digestion painful and irregular bowel movements are related to the fibroids pressing the colon. br Problems with sex: you can feel during intercourse, depending on the location of the fibroid. Other associated symptoms may contribute to a feeling of exhaustion and irritability, also cause problems in relationships. br infertility or miscarriage: Fibroids can block the fallopian tubes, preventing conception. It can also cause miscarriages due to uterine cramping, or interfere with fetal development. It is imperative that women who think they may have fibroids to take immediate steps to reduce the size now. br Fibroids can grow very quickly, and there were no problems today can be extremely serious on the road. They can have serious consequences not only in the way of seeing and feeling, but also on the health of your internal organs. Remember that if br pregnancy are alike, but have no pregnancy symptoms at all or abnormal bleeding higher than normal causing bleeding to perform blood transfusions is very comprehensive, do not hesitate to discover that existence. Taking steps now can save you from the risk or repeated surgery or a drug regimen that could have negative and even dangerous side effects. More information is available at br Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged signs and symptoms of fibroids, symptoms of fibroids, symptoms of fibroids, symptoms of uterine fibroids, What are the symptoms of fibroids | br br