Many women suffer from what they consider infertility. They have become pregnant as fast as expected, so called quot; the infertilidadquot; for them. Often there is nothing really wrong with the female or male partner. It just takes time to get all the complex factors of the concept of working together for a couple. br Symptoms of Infertility Signs may be infertile is the inability to conceive within six months to a year of actively trying to conceive, irregular menstrual cycles, problems with erection or ejaculation in the male partner, or lack of cervical fluid at the time of ovulation. br You may also notice, if you're using fertility mapping as a method of tracking ovulation, your basal body temperature (BBT), do not rise as they should. There must be a clear increase in temperature of a good 0.5 to 1.6 degrees right after ovulation in order to indicate that ovulation occurred for that cycle. br There are obvious reasons for infertility, such as PCOS, luteal phase defects, problems of sperm in the male partner, endometriosis, fibroids, thyroid problems, or insulin resistance. These conditions do not necessarily mean that a woman does not conceive they just make the most difficult conditions for conception. br infertility options are not limited to what the doctor wants to prescribe for you, which usually involve a fertility drug as Femara or Clomid. These are certainly options for you, but if you want more natural alternatives, there are plenty of those available for you too with fewer risks and side effects (often without risks or side effects). br If you are experiencing symptoms of infertility, whether it's something obvious, like PCOS with irregular periods and ovarian cysts or simply not have become pregnant after six months of trying, infertility following options may be just what you need to accelerate their efforts to conceive br br