Fibroid tumors are usually benign tumors.This mean they are not cancerous.Theyare found more often in the uterus of women in their 30 # 39; s 40 # 39; s, canceralthough occasionally develop in other organs tumors contain good musclecells.Fibroid also said to be solid tumors that are made fibroustissue.Most often, fibroids are presented as tumor masses, which are slow domestic growth and often do not cause symptoms.The size of fibroids varies greatly among women and some are so small that amicroscope is required to view them. However, some women experience a largefibroid tumor the size of a single grapefruit.No sure why fibroid tumors develop, but some facts are clear: * do not develop before the body begins producing estrogen during menstruation onsetof .* Estrogen, such as in birth control pills and taken for menopausal symptoms, fibroids can cause tumors to grow .* fibroid tumors grow very rapidly during pregnancy when the body of extra estrogen often isproducing .* shrink and disappear after menopause when the body stops producingestrogen.That means women almost never develop fibroid tumors fibroid aftermenopause.Types include: * Sub FibroidsThese mucous fibroids occur just below the lining of the uterus and can causemenstrual problems, including pain as they grow and move around the round .* pelvicarea myoma intramural fibroids more often within the uterine wall, which can cause the uterus enlargementof as they grow .* FibroidsThis Subserous fibroid grows on the outer wall of uterus and usually causes nosymptoms until it grows large enough to interfere with other organs .* Peduncle FibroidsThese fibroids develop when a fibroid grows a peduncle subserous (stem), asthey grow can twist and cause severe pain .* Interligamentous fibroma fiber, which grows sideways between the ligaments that support the type region.This abdominal uterusin fibroid is particularly difficult to removewithout the possibility of interfering with blood supply or other organs .* Parasitic FibroidThis is the rarest form fibrous tumor that occurs when a fibroid attachesitself another organ.FIBROIDS, infertility and PREGNANCYAccording experts, submucous fibroids because of their location can act asforeign body and therefore becomes a mechanical barrier to implantation.This say may affect fertility.Also, pregnant women with fibroids major problems such risks may haveincreased BOF as breech of premature thefoetus quot; bag of water and abruption whenduring pregnancy the placenta separates from the wall. All same.manywomen with uterine fibroids (non submucosa) have been completely normal pregnancies.RISK FACTORS EstrogenFibroids * High exposure can begin to grow soon after puberty, but usually when a woman reaches aredetected young adulthood.Women with fibroids have riskfor accelerated fibroid growth when estrogen levels are high or when lifestylebehaviours maintain estrogen levels high.Some Examples of risk factors for fibroids that are also associated with exposure HighEstrogen include: * The early onset of menstruation ( before age 12) .* * Being overweight and sedentary never be pregnant.The risk for fibroids decreases with more children. (Thisrisk factor, however, may be due to an increased risk of infertility caused byfibroids first.) diagnosis of fibroma TUMOURSMost times there may be no symptoms if a woman can havefibroid.Diagnosis of fibrosis is therefore generally performed by a doctor during annual gynecological exam when the doctor feels a mass.sometimes fibroids are found even when the doctor is looking somethingelse or large fibroids may never be done discovered.A examining theovaries impossible if they grow near them. However, a woman with fibroids may have the need to consult your gynecologistfor any of the following reasons: * Large fibroids can also cause pressure and pain in the abdomen or lower backthat sometimes feels like menstrual cramps .* As fibroids grow, some women feel like hard lumps in lowerabdomen .* very large fibroids may give the abdomen the appearance of pregnancy and feeling of heaviness and caus�e pressure.In fact, large fibroids are defined bycomparing the uterine size for size than gestation would be specifically .* monthsduring unusually large fibroids can press against the bladder and urinary tract andcause frequent urination or the urge to urinate, especially during a woman lying nightwhen .* pain during sex abnormal is known as dyspareunia ) .* If the fibroids press on the ureters (the tubes going from the kidneys to thebladder), obstruction or blockage of urine may lead to pressure against the rectum .* fibroid can cause a woman constipation.When complains of any of the above symptoms, or when one doctorfeels mass, ultrasound is often ordered by the physician.However, some fibroids appear on ultrasound as ourstum ovarian surgery is the onlyway Diageo precisely one tum ours and surgery is the only way a accuratediagnosis might made.Some women have symptoms may have abnormal bleeding, pain and duringmenstruation as myomas grow, women are often experiencea swollen abdomen fibroids . Larger can also cause frequent urination or inability to control the bladder, or the inability to control the urge or in severe cases, Awome may find that it is unable to urinate at extendstowards Fibroid all.If a woman again it is possible to do in the intestines, causing constipation goes backache.TREATMENT FORfibroma FIBROIDIf tum ours are so severe that they cause certain symptoms, surgery often required treatment.Such symptoms warranting surgery experts say, are: severe bleeding during the menstrual cycle, whichcauses anemia unresponsive to pain treatment.Also, which has becomeintolerable women, or the discomfort caused by pressure from the fibroidson another organ, or when the location of the tum ours is likely to fibroid tumors causefurther problem.Surgery includes, myomectomy and hysterectomy.Myomectomy surgical removal of the tumor without damaging the individual isthe uterus, preserving a woman's ability to conceive. However, as mayoften fibroids grow back, most women end ahysterectomy.Removing will face the uterus, is the only permanent way of most women effectivelyrelieve of fibroids.Another Way Of Getting Out fibroma is to take a drug that internal undo The drug is called fibroma Buster.Click image for details of the drug, but .. can be preventted fibroids Not with certainty.However, some foods that are high in estrogen can be avoided by weight in measure.Keep caution check.This minimize estrogen levels in body.Eat green vegetables and fruits and avoid meat.An Red Italian study found that women who eat little meat, but a large amount of vegetables and fruits appear to be less likely to develop fibroids than women who eat more red meat and some vegetables.Are a woman, has been shown that the loss or Weight gain is one of the causes identified Fibroid.To keep your weight under control and avoid weight gain or loss, we recommend that you control your weight accordingly.To this regard, we recommend you go to and learning will always keep their weight in normal level.Also details, click below .. br br