I wanted to talk to you about fibroid surgery and what to avoid. I know that when you finish with fibroids is likely to offer a solution to the surgery, but I do not. When it comes to a fibroid, is essentially a tumor growing around their reproductive organs as a woman. The tumor is not cancerous, or so the news is not good. The problem is that the existence of the tumor creates complications which may involve the colic, bleeding and even infertility. I'll show you why you should avoid fibroid surgery and go natural. br Your doctor will probably find the solution of the surgery, because it is all that can be seen as a solution. They see a tumor and do not know much about it. All I know is that the existence of what is causing problems and want to eliminate. This means you will have major surgery to get to these organs. Not only that, you could lose all their reproductive organs, which means you can not get pregnant. If you are looking for children who may be entirely feasible, but if you want to get pregnant, this solution is not. br So you're wondering what to do other than surgery for fibroids. Well, doctors are not sure why you get these tumors, but they know they are influenced by the hormone estrogen. As your estrogen increases the size of tumors above. This means that if you can reduce this hormone may reduce fibroid size and reach a point where it causes no complications. This can be done with changes in diet and foods. br br br br